As college students, we play a critical role in determining the moral and ethical standards of our society. To maintain our high standards and foster a respectful, supportive environment for all, we have created a ten-point civility code. This code sets expectations for behavior and promotes the values of respect, responsibility, and integrity.
We believe in respecting the rights of others, even when we disagree with their opinions or actions. We should avoid making derogatory comments or participating in behavior that is threatening or harassing. This means that we should listen to others with an open mind and avoid making assumptions or judgments based on their appearance or beliefs.
We believe in academic integrity and the importance of honest work. Cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited. We should also respect the intellectual property rights of others, citing sources appropriately, and giving credit where it is due. Upholding academic integrity is key to preserving the value and integrity of our degrees and education.
We believe in responsible communication, both online and offline. This means that we should avoid making offensive comments or engaging in cyber-bullying or hate speech. Additionally, we should speak up when we overhear harmful language or see discriminatory behavior. Communication is about respecting and understanding others, not tearing them down.
We believe that all members of the university community have the right to feel safe and supported. This means we should refrain from engaging in any behavior that could cause harm to others. We should also take responsibility for creating a culture of consent, respecting personal boundaries, and being an ally to those who are marginalized or victimized.
We believe in embracing diversity and creating inclusive environments. This means that we should seek out new perspectives and be willing to communicate across cultures, religions, races, and other individual differences. Diversity helps us to grow and learn, and we should celebrate our differences rather than letting them divide us.
We believe that we have a responsibility to be mindful of our environment and take steps to preserve our planet. This means that we should reduce waste, recycle when possible, and minimize our carbon footprint. It also means being proactive in addressing climate change and supporting sustainable practices.
We believe in the importance of self-care and taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This means cultivating healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and taking time to relax and recharge. It also means being supportive of others who may be dealing with mental health issues or other challenges.
We believe that leaders have a responsibility to model civility and respect. This means leaders should communicate with transparency and respect, listen to feedback, and be open to diverse perspectives. Leaders have the power to set the tone for civil and respectful interactions, and we should hold them accountable for their actions.
We believe that we are all accountable for our actions and responsible for the consequences of our choices. This means that we should be transparent about our intentions and take responsibility if we cause harm to others. It also means holding others accountable for their actions, not enabling or condoning behavior that is harmful or offensive.
The ten-point civility code is a reminder of our responsibility as college students to maintain a culture of respect, responsibility, and integrity. While we may fall short at times, by upholding these principles, we can make the university a place where everyone feels valued and supported, and where we can all thrive and succeed.